Let's install Ubuntu on VirtualBox. The installed version is based on 20.04, it is the latest LTS version at the time of writing.
If you want to download another version, you can go to releases.ubuntu.com and download the version you want.
1. Ubuntu Download
If you want to download another version, you can go to releases.ubuntu.com and download the version you want.
2.2 Input Name, and click Next(N).2.3 For the memory size, set the recommended memory size of 1024 MB.2.4 Set up the hard disk. Use the recommended 10.00 GB.
2.5 Select the hard disk file type as VDI.2.6 Storing on a physical hard drive selects dynamic allocation.2.7 Confirm file location and size.2.8 Once you've done that, you'll see your virtual machine as shown below.2.9 From now on, it is the process of installing Ubuntu on the virtual machine. Run setup and select storage as shown below
2.10 Controller: Select IDE's Empty and choose the optical drive. Just select the Ubuntu file you downloaded from Create a Virtual Optical Disc.2.11 When you run Start, the uploaded Ubuntu installation file is executed.
2.12 Running as below
2.13 Run install Ubuntu2.14 Select Keyboard layout2.15 Select the software to install. For general use, select Normal installation. If you use it for special purposes, select Minimal Installation, and install required packages later.2.16 Continue to install
2.17 When a confirmation window appears, execute Continue.2.18 Input location and account information. 2.19 After installation, reboot now
2.1 Run Create New(N)
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